AXA Week for Good at AXA IM
Where we take collective action for a more sustainable world
More than 2 billion tonnes of solid waste are produced worldwide each year* and while most of this ends up in landfills, you only have to look outside to see how much ends up on our streets, our countryside, and our beaches and waters that surrounds them.
At AXA IM, we believe that collective action is needed to bring about change, and by working together we can build a more sustainable world. We want to educate and raise awareness on environmental issues, and see how as individuals and investors we can participate in changing the world.
Every year, initiative by AXA Hearts in Action, all AXA Group employees are invited to volunteer their time or their expertise to support local communities. This year, which is the 20th anniversary of AXA Hearts in Action, the focus was on climate change & biodiversity, and inclusive protection. Our employees across the globe volunteered to participate in a one-hour plogging1 activity.
“Plogging” is a combination of jogging with picking up litter, merging the Swedish verbs plocka up (pick up) and jogga (jog)!
At AXA IM 9 of our offices participated: Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands; France, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, United States, Spain and Switzerland.
Equipped with garbage bag, gloves, and plenty of enthusiasm, our colleagues collected over 2,300 litres of waste including paper, glass, metal, domestic waste, cigarette butts and plastic. Across AXA Group as a whole, 9,632 bags of waste were collected.
‘Taking part in plogging during the AXA Week for Good pushed me to see just how much pollution there is around us, and how collectively and individually we can make a genuine difference, I can’t wait to do it again next year!’
‘It was really great to spend some time with my colleagues outside of work to take positive actions for our environment, I’m excited to take part again next year’
‘It felt very good to give back to my local neighbourhood, and to see the impact we have on the environment’
‘I feel fortunate to work for a company which encourages taking some time out of our day-to-day jobs to collectively help to make a positive difference to our environment. Together this can have a big impact and I’m proud to be a small part of that’
Find out more about AXA Hearts in Action, and how we can work together to play a positive role in society to a more sustainable world.
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