Appointment news

Caroline Portel is appointed Global Chief Operating Officer of AXA IM

AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) today announces the appointment of Caroline Portel as Global Chief Operating Officer (GCOO) effective 1 July 2023. She will take over from Laurent Caillot who will pursue a new professional endeavour outside of the AXA Group.

Based in Paris, Caroline will be a member of the AXA IM Management Board, reporting to Marco Morelli, Executive Chairman of AXA IM.

In this role, she will oversee Technology, Operations, Data Management, Project Management, Security Procurement, Facilities and Innovation.

“I am delighted to welcome Caroline to the Management Board as GCOO and I look forward to working with her in these key strategic areas. Caroline has over 20 years of experience in finance and knows AXA very well, having held several roles in different entities. She will bring invaluable insights to her teams and the Management Board,” said Marco Morelli.

“I would also like to thank Laurent for his contribution to AXA IM over the past 4 years and notably for his leadership to transform our operating model to make AXA IM one of the most technologically-driven asset managers. I sincerely wish him the best in his new professional adventures,” added Marco Morelli.


Caroline Portel has been Programme Director at AXA IM since 2022 and is responsible for the integration of the AXA IM Prime and AXA IM Architas business units.

Having initially joined AXA in 1999, Caroline held senior roles in multiple functions ranging from investor relations to consolidation and reporting in various AXA entities and countries.

Most recently, she was CFO at AXA Global Life, the life reinsurance subsidiary of AXA from 2014 to 2018, and then became CFO of Architas Group and CEO of Architas France until 2019. She was then appointed CFO and deputy CEO at AXA Global Re, the Group’s internal reinsurer, until 2022.

Caroline graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electronique in Grenoble (ENSERG) with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and holds an MBA in Corporate Finance and Accounting from the University of Rochester in the US.


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