AXA IM continues its initiatives to test blockchain technology as part of ECB’s exploratory work on central bank money settlement
- 10 December 2024
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) today announces that it has successfully participated in two market initiatives based on blockchain infrastructure and using the Banque de France's (BdF) tokenised cash solution. These two experiments are part of the Call for Expression of Interest launched in December 20231 by the European Central Bank (ECB) to experiment on new technologies for settlement of wholesale financial transactions in digital central bank money (CeBM).
The success of these experiments is a further signal that blockchain technology is well on the way to achieving the level of maturity and security needed to positively disrupt financial market processes, improving the client experience by accelerating the treatment of financial transactions.
- The first experiment involved a €3 million investment by AXA IM, on behalf of AXA France, into a digital sovereign bond issued by the Republic of Slovenia. The transaction was executed on BNP Paribas’ “Neobonds” tokenisation platform (integrated within BNP Paribas Global Markets’ infrastructure), with settlement on T+1 and using DL3S, the Banque de France’s DLT2 .
- The second experiment consisted in executing a fund share subscription of €1 million from Generali into AXA Court Terme with instant settlement process using digital CeBM via IZNES blockchain platform.
Laurence Arnold, Global Head of Innovation, Client Operations, Performance & Reporting at AXA IM, said: “In the wake of our previous experiments with blockchain infrastructure, we’re honoured to have taken part in the major exploratory work carried out by the ECB with the use of digital central bank money. Combining both assets and cash on chain show the full potential of blockchain technology for financial markets. These efforts are an integral part of our ongoing work on digital assets and tokenization.”
These new milestones are part of AXA IM’s commitment to innovation and adapting to technological developments for the long-term benefit of its clients.
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AXA IM manages approximately €869 billion in assets*, and has €480 billion of ESG-integrated, sustainable or impact assets**. Our purpose is to act for human progress by investing for what matters. As a responsible asset manager, we are committed to integrating ESG principles across our business, from stock selection to our corporate actions and culture.
Part of the AXA Group, a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management, AXA IM employs over 2,800 employees and operates from 23 offices in 18 countries globally**.
*As at the end of September 2024, including non-consolidated entities.
** As at the end of December 2023.
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