AXA IM For Progress Monitor

We set the goal of reaching net zero as a business and investor by 2050, and we developed the AXA IM For Progress Monitor to ensure our non-financial targets are positioned just as visibly as our financial objectives, giving you a simple and transparent way to track our progress towards net zero.

Download the Sustainability Report 2023

Monitoring our progress towards net zero​

We chose eight key performance indicators (KPIs) based on their strategic importance and material contribution towards our net zero goal, enabling us to share with you how our commitments and actions are driving change across the following themes:

  • Decarbonisation across main asset classes and own operations.
  • Importance of engagement activities with investee companies and our own employees.
  • Solutions to consciously channel capital to companies and projects helping accelerate the transition.

Our Sustainability Journey

Explore our Sustainability Report for a comprehensive overview of our progress and actions against our climate commitments and net zero goals.

Download the full report (September 2024)

The AXA IM for Progress Monitor is a selection of eight metrics with interim targets, chosen for their strategic importance and material contribution towards the firm’s goal of becoming net zero as a business and investor by 2050. These metrics are:    

  • Corporate portfolio carbon intensity  
  • AXA IM operational carbon footprint  
  • Coal exposure    
  • Real Estate carbon intensity   
  • Real Estate AUM CRREM aligned  
  • Investment in Natural Capital Solutions  
  • Active external engagement   
  • Active internal engagement   
  • [1] Non-financial metrics are subject to measurement uncertainties resulting from limitations inherent in the nature and the methods used to determine them, as they generally have no standardised meaning and may not be comparable to similarly labelled measures used by other companies. 
  • [2] Reported metrics may include or refer to information obtained from, or established on the basis of, various third-party sources. Such information may not have been reviewed by AXA IM, and AXA IM does not approve or endorse such information by inclusion thereof or reference thereto, notably as such third-party information may not have been independently verified. Therefore, AXA IM does not guarantee the fairness, adequacy, accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of such information, and no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made or responsibility or liability is accepted by AXA IM as to the fairness, adequacy, accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of such information, and AXA IM shall not be obliged to update or revise such information.


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