Launch of the third AXA IM Research Award, with a focus on the social dimensions of climate change
- 25 September 2023
- The call for nominations is now open for this year’s award which will be granted to a researcher exploring solutions to support a fair and inclusive climate transition.
- The winner will receive €100,000 in recognition of the impact and importance of his/her research.
- The deadline for the call for nominations is 20th October 2023.
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) and the AXA Research Fund are launching the third edition of the AXA IM Research Award. This award aims to recognise the work of a top-tier scientist working in the area of a fair and inclusive climate transition.
The AXA IM Research Award is a shared commitment of AXA Group, AXA IM and the AXA Research Fund to support the development of innovative solutions for a just and green transition and to help address the most pressing sustainability issues. This means forging strong links and partnerships with academic research in order to support science through awards and grants.
Following on from the two previous editions focused on the green transition, this year’s award will recognise transformational research in the area of the social dimensions of climate change.
Social impact is a key component not only of the consequences of climate change, but also of the transition plans to an environmentally sustainable and climate-safe future. The impacts vary widely across and within regions, countries and people1, exacerbating poverty and inequality: on one hand, due to worsening living conditions in places that lack the resources to adapt to extreme climate or weather events and their effects; on the other, by marginalising the most vulnerable people, despite often being the ones that contribute the least to rising emissions.
This year, candidates will be required to demonstrate the impact and innovative nature of their research in the following areas:
- Innovative and inclusive solutions aimed at addressing social and gender inequalities, supporting the poorest, most vulnerable and most marginalised populations to protect themselves against climatic hazards, but also climate transition measures, so they can adapt to the climate emergency and build resilience for the future.
- Solutions aimed at protecting human health and well-being, that support, for example, food security, infrastructure, inclusive social protection and water policies.
- Novel approaches aimed at accelerating awareness and behavior changes through increase of education, including capacity building, climate literacy and information provided through climate services and community approaches.
- Measurement and tracking as the nexus of the socio-economic impacts of climate change, both in terms of assessing the social progress and challenges of an inclusive transition.
Candidates who will be nominated for the AXA IM Research Award must be researchers at PhD level +5 years to + 15 years. The winner will receive €100,000 in recognition of the impact of his/her research work. The award must be earmarked for future research and will be paid to the university with which the researcher is affiliated.
Marco Morelli, Executive Chairman of AXA IM, said: "AXA IM has long been committed to supporting the scientific community in its efforts to develop innovative and essential solutions to combat climate change and its effects. This year, alongside the AXA Research Fund, we wish to pursue this long-term commitment by focusing on the social dimensions of climate change and the transition, which is often underestimated."
Ulrike Decoene, Group Chief Communication, Brand & Sustainability Officer of AXA, said: “The AXA IM Research Award supports AXA’s commitment to act for societal progress and build a more sustainable future. Benefiting from the AXA Research Fund’s 15-year expertise of supporting transformative science to address the challenges of our time, the award will leverage the power of science to help address the transition in a fair and inclusive manner.”
Last year, the prize was awarded to Professor Ana Queiros2, of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, for her research into the development of blue carbon. To find out more about her and how the AXA IM Research Award supported her work, click here.
For more information on the call for nominations process, click here.
Notes to editors
1 Social Dimensions of Climate Change (
About the AXA Research Fund
The AXA Research Fund is AXA Group’s global scientific philanthropy initiative, launched in 2008 to address the most important issues facing our planet. It supports human progress by funding research in key areas related to risk and helping inform public and private decision-making based on science. In line with AXA’s purpose to act for human progress by protecting what matters, the AXA Research Fund’s support is directed towards accelerating transformative research around risk in the areas of health, climate & environment, and socio-economy & new technologies.
Find out more about AXA Research Fund:
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